
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Post-Op: Day 3

Matthew's common atrial line (an IV that went directly into his heart) was removed today which allowed us to take a short walk. Earlier today, the plan was to transfer Matthew out of the CICU and out to the floor, but due to a shortage of beds on the floor, Matthew gets to enjoy being the "wellest" baby in the CICU. We've had a few issues this afternoon with urinary retention as well as continued output from his chest tubes. These problems will eventually take care of themselves with continued treatment. All in all a good day. It only gets easier from here!


  1. Will, Glad things are doing better. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you at the homefront...check mail, mow, etc... Just let me know and we'll be glad to help out while yall are OOT.

    Travis :)

  2. Wow Travis, do you do windows? LOL! I appreciate your offer very much, but we managed to get all of our bases covered before we came up this way.

    Thanks again,

    1. Nope...! don't do windows!! :), but I'm always willing to held a friend in need. Glad that Matthew is going better!

  3. He looks adorable. The natives were restless yesterday waiting on an update. I had talked to Nikki but I was mainly checking to see if she was taking care of herself and butter bean. Love you guys. I will be praying for Will because he isn't to good about being separated from the boy. Just remember you're almost done Will.
